
For those of us at Halcyon, diving is more than “just another way to spend
the weekend.”

We make the gear that we know will make our diving better. The process begins with designing, testing, and refining; making it better in the process, never settling for “good enough.” It is knowing as opposed to guessing. It’s about having such high standards and expectations in how we want our products to perform that we are relentless in our pursuit of perfection.

Halcyon began as a group of divers who knew exactly what they wanted but couldn’t find it in any dive store. Our passion for the dive led us to business. We started designing wings and lights to satisfy ourselves. However, we soon discovered that we were not alone in our pursuit of equipment that could radically be improved the diving comfort of the newest recreational diver while also supporting the most aggressive technical dives ever completed. Our founders, as well as current owners and senior management, have a long history as diving pioneers with diverse backgrounds, ranging from academia to manufacturing and consulting. However, they share one common thread: an average of 20 years of dives in each of their logbooks.